My New Gym Buddy

When I walked into the gym, the first thing that struck me was how empty it was. For a Monday evening, there were surprisingly few people working out. After scanning in at the desk and turning the corner to the weight room, I looked out over the nearly empty floor and found that aside from a machines and a squat rack being occupied, I was free to use the machines without having to wait or worry about prying eyes wondering when I'd be finished. That was quite the relief.

Having just gotten out of a long relationship, I did what most other guys do and decided to get back on the fitness wagon. Self-improvement and all that. The downside to this was that it had been quite a long time since I had lifted. My ex insisted that she loved the way my body was regardless, so over time I abandoned my goal of bulking up, and resigned to remaining rather thin. More of a runner's body, really. I had run track in high school and was always lean and fit, but now that I was single again I decided it couldn't hurt to bulk up a little bit. This of course, would mean I'd have to get used to all of the motions again. The bench press seemed as good a place to start as any.

I wandered over to an empty bench and threw on some plates I was fairly confident I could lift. I guess I either overestimated my abilities, or forgot what gravity was, because after 2 reps I felt my arms giving way, and I was unable to get the bar back up to its original resting place.

I could feel my face growing darker and darker shades of red, and before long I had resigned to sitting there looking like a helpless child. Just as I began to convince myself I was going to die on that bench, staring up at the white fluorescent lighting, a shadow eclipsed the brightness in my vision and quickly grabbed the bar, helping me lift it up to the rack safely.

It took a while to catch my breath. As I lay there, my vision returning to normal, the silhouette of the person standing above me began to show more detail. There stood a tall, slender but muscular guy who seemed to be around my age, mid 20s. I started to notice his sandy brown hair, brown eyes, and his very white, enthusiastic smile as he stared down at me with a slight look of concern.

As my eyes continued to return to my sockets, I saw he was wearing a tight grey t-shirt that clung to his chest and slightly tanned arms. It was no surprise he was able to lift this bar off my chest so easily. He was in really good shape.

"You alright man?" he said as he held the bar to make sure it wasn't going to roll off and crush my head.

After a couple deep breaths, I was able to reply.

"Yeah, *huff* I guess these weights are heavier than I remember *huff* haha." I let out a nervous laugh in an attempt to deflect the embarrassment.

Once he saw I wasn't in danger anymore, he seemingly figured it was ok straighten his back into more of a standing position, and less of a hunching one. This caused his torso to disappear from view, which meant he was now standing over me upright, and I could see much more of his lower body.

"I hope you don't mind, I saw you having a hard time and figured you might have needed some help."

As he said those words through that same concerned smile, my vision was still returning to normal and allowing me to get a clearer picture of who was standing above me. My head was about level with his knees, so I was able to see that his lower body donned some grey athletic tights and some loose fitting athletic shorts. I didn't notice how short they were at first, but as my eyes made their way back up to make contact with his, they first made contact with something that appeared to be sticking out from under his shorts. It didn't take long to make out what it was. Along his left thigh, held in place by his athletic tights, was a bulge that stuck out at least a full 2 inches from where his shorts ended.

In hindsight, I don't think I had fully processed what was right in front of me before I started to speak.

"No worries man *huff*, I really appreciate the hel-"

I froze when I noticed the aforementioned bulge at the forefront of my vision. I don't quite remember the first thought that came to my mind, but I do remember thinking to myself "This is the closest I've been to another man's penis before."

I distinctly remember the sight. It was hanging down his left leg, and as my eyes adjusted further I noticed the amount of detail revealed by the spandex tights he was wearing. I could see the faint outlines of veins along the last inch or so of the shaft, and the ridge where it met the head. I'm not sure if it was the angle or the fact that it was so close to my face, but the next thing that came to my mind was how big it looked.

After staring for what I thought was a few seconds, I remember starting to wonder if what I was seeing was real, and why I was so fixated on the outline of this guy's cock right in front of me.

I'm not sure how long I was frozen staring at it, trying to figure out whether I felt awkward or intrigued as the blood began to drain from my face and the air finally returned to my lungs. It must have been longer than I thought, because he quickly bent back over and brought his face closer to mine, removing his spandex-cradled package from my view.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" he said, trying to make sense of the words I mumbled before freezing.

I wasn't looking him in the eyes when he said it though. For some reason, my eyes followed his bulge as it moved to the peripheral of my vision. I don't know why, but it was intriguing to see the details of his anatomy so vividly.

After a few seconds of silence, it was clear he knew what I was looking at. I knew he knew, but I was unable to avert my gaze for another couple seconds before I snapped out of it and decided it would be best if I continued this conversation in a not-so-horizontal position.

I stood up as quickly as I could while he looked at me with what seemed like a mix of concern and contained enthusiasm. I wasn't sure why.

"Sorry, still trying to catch my breath." I said once I was fully stood up and looking him in the eyes once again.

"I was just saying I really appreciate the help." I finally said with lungs full of air.

"Oh sure, no problem! Just glad we could get you off this thing safely" he said as he tapped on the bench with his left hand.

I looked briefly down at the bench where his hand had tapped it, but as my eyes made their way back up to continue the conversation, they once again came across the unmistakable bulge down his left thigh...

It was pretty much confirmed at this point. It wasn't the angle I was laying at, or the shortness of oxygen to my brain. This guy's dick actually was pretty big. As before, I again noticed the line where the shaft met the head and the thickness of the bulge itself, hardly contained by the short shorts he was wearing, let alone the spandex he was using to keep it in place.

I once again found myself staring for longer than just a brief second, intrigued by the shape and size of this thing. I never considered myself gay or even bi-curious, and have never been particularly interested in the male anatomy before aside from my own. But for some reason I was fixated on this thing for more than just a brief moment before I was able to avert my gaze.

When my eyes met his again, he had an even bigger smile on his face.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before." He said through that big smile.

"It's been a really long time, if I'm being honest." I replied. "I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things."

"You didn't get hurt there, did you?" he asked.

Now that he mentioned it, I did notice a slight strain in my right shoulder and pec area. I reached up and began to rub it, noticing how tender it was.

"Yeah, I think maybe I just did something to my pec. Obviously I should have tried a little less weight to start off, haha." I half-joked as I tried to hide my hurt pride.

"Aww damn man, injuries or setbacks can be tough when you're just starting out again. You want to make sure you ice and rest that as much as you can before you try to lift again. Do you mind?"

Before I could tell him whether I minded or not, he reached out and grabbed my right arm, putting one hand up on my shoulder and stabilizing my forearm in his grip with the other.

"Does it hurt right here?" he asked as he put two fingers into my upper shoulder, slightly above where it actually hurt.

"A little lower, actually" I replied

"Oh, ok so right here then." he said as he moved my arm slightly away from my body, allowing my pec to stretch as he found the sore spot with his hand.

What I didn't notice as he started poking the sore spot in my chest, was that moving my arm away from my body moved it closer to his own. I took this as him trying to get a better feel for where I was hurt, but after a couple seconds, I noticed that the back of my hand was now in contact with his left leg. Looking down, I noticed it was not far from the bulge sticking out from under his shorts.

I couldn't be sure whether or not this was deliberate on his part. At least not until I watched him move my arm once again, presumably under the guise of trying to get me into a better position to observe my injury. All it took was him moving my arm a couple more inches to the left, and the tip of my index finger was now slightly touching the tip of his penis.

Once again, here I was in shocked bewilderment. I didn't move or say anything, but turned my eyes from my hand back to his eyes. When I saw the optimistic and almost expectant look on his face, I was pretty sure what he had just done was not an accident. He had seen me looking and figured I was intrigued. I couldn't blame him, I knew I was looking at his bulge longer than any straight guy would.

As I stood there with the tip of my finger touching the tip of his cock head, I was unable to say or do anything. I felt like I was frozen in time. Again, by no means did I consider myself attracted to the same sex or parts of the male anatomy, but here I was trying to make sense of the thoughts going through my head as my hand was clearly in contact with another man's dick.

My sight was focused on his eyes, but every one of my senses seemed dulled except for my sense of touch in that right index finger. What that finger was touching felt warm. It felt slightly soft, but slightly hard. Powerful, but also delicate at the same time. I found myself wondering what the shaft felt like as well. Then I found myself wondering why I would wonder that.

As if he was reading my mind, I felt him remove his hand from my shoulder. I followed it with my eyes and watched him place it on the hem of his shorts before grabbing the left pant leg and lifting it all the way up until it reached his groin, exposing the rest of the bulge, now only contained by his grey spandex tights.

He must have seen my eyes widen slightly as I took in the sight of the full situation which was previously hidden by his short shorts. The outline of his cock was clearly defined by the tights holding it in place along his left leg. The first thing that struck me was the size. Now that I could see the whole thing, it was clear that his soft cock was probably just as big as mine was when fully erect. I could see the faint outline of the veins making their way up the sides of his shaft in various places, and a large bulge at the base where his balls were. The striking detail the tights showed as they clung so tightly to this large appendage left little to the imagination besides skin tone. Full disclosure, I have no idea how long I was looking at it, standing there still with my arm in his grasp, index finger resting on the crown of this thick cock.

After what seemed like an eternity of me staring down at it and wondering what was going to happen next, he made his next move. He grabbed my wrist and began to move my hand slightly higher. This caused my finger to trace a line up his cock and over the ridge of the head, before making contact with his shaft. As it made its way further up the shaft, feeling the contour of the veins along the way, I noticed his cock start to twitch. By the time my finger had made it all the way up to the base of his tightly packaged member, I began to notice the spandex straining more to contain it as it expanded and started to slightly extend further down his left leg. The sight of it growing in response to my touch only served to bewilder me more.

As I watched, trying to make sense of my curiosity, he hooked my finger into the waistband of his shorts and tights, and began to pull my hand back down, taking his shorts with it. It was at that point I guess I snapped out of it, because I pulled my arm away quickly and shot my eyes back up to his.

"Ermm... I uh... I'm sorry, I'm not uh... gay..." I muttered as my eyes darted back and forth between his face and the situation going on below his waist.

"Oh! No, please, don't be! I think I may have gotten the wrong impression" he said in response.

With those words, I watched his left hand take the leg of his shorts and try to pull it back down to cover up what he had previously been so sure I wanted uncovered. I watched him give his shorts an extra couple of tugs downwards in an attempt to cover the rest of the head sticking out below the pant line. This would have been a losing battle before, but now that his cock was slightly harder there was still a good 3 or 4 inches bulging out below what he was able to cover up.

I can still remember so vividly the next thought that came to mind. As I watched him pull his shorts back down, I recall realizing that somewhere in the back of my brain, I was disappointed that it was now obscured from my vision again. I remember visualizing the sight of his full cock, covered only by tight spandex that left very little to the imagination. I remember a very small part of my mind trying to hold onto that picture as long as it could. I did not know why. Maybe it was still trying to make sense of the situation, or maybe I was actually intrigued by this guy's cock so much that I had wanted to continue looking at it. Maybe even continue touching it. I began to think about the finer details of what might be hiding under those spandex. If it sprung free, what would it look like? Would it have a curve to it? Would it be circumcised, or uncircumcised? All of these curiosities in the back of my mind left me thoroughly speechless for a few seconds while I tried to make sense of them.

"Hey well, I hope that pec feels better soon." He said, breaking the silence that lingered while I tried to figure out what just happened in my brain.

"Thanks man, I'm really sorry if I gave the impression that I-"

"No, really, no worries." He cut me off.

And with that, he turned to walk away, looking back at me for a couple of moments before turning around with a slight smile still on his face. Before I knew it, he was back on the other side of the gym, focused on his workout, acting like nothing ever happened.

Meanwhile, I was stuck shaking my head and trying to refocus. The whole interaction must have only lasted a minute or two, but it felt like an hour standing there, trying to navigate the sight of this man's anatomy and the confusion that came along with it.

After a couple more seconds of shaking my head, I regrouped and figured it would be best if I focused on my workout as well. Since lifting clearly wasn't the best of ideas for the rest of the day, I decided to do some cardio. I headed over to the treadmill and began to jog. As the pace picked up and my breathing got heavier, I seemed to return to my normal self once I got a runner's high going. Before long the situation that had happened over at the bench press was becoming more and more of an afterthought.

After about 30 minutes of running at a decent pace, I decided that was enough for the day. I had worked up a good sweat and was ready to call it a day. Time to hit the showers before getting out of here and grabbing something to eat on the way home.

I walked into the locker room, took a lock out of my gym bag, found an open locker, and placed my stuff inside. I stripped down and covered myself with a towel before placing my clothes in the locker and closing the padlock.

Making my way around the corner, I saw that I had my pick of the litter for the showers. It was totally empty in the locker room. I pretty much picked one at random, slung my towel over the hook, and hopped in.

Rinsing off after a long run always felt good, but for some reason things felt extra sensitive under the hot water. It was then that my senses really returned, and I could feel the water dripping down off of my extremities. As I felt it rush down my arm and off of the tips of my fingers, I recalled where the tip of one of those fingers had been just 30 minutes earlier...

I began to replay the scene in my mind, from first seeing his bulge above me on the bench, to having his pant leg fully pulled up, tracing a line up the length of said bulge. The thoughts of what it might have looked like without the spandex began flooding back into my head. The soft but hard texture, the way it twitched when it clearly liked the way I was tracing it. Would I have traced it if there was no spandex? We were in the middle of a public gym, what was I thinking? Well, I mean, it was empty so it probably would have been alright if it was fully exposed, even for just a second. Even just a glimpse probably would have been enough to satisfy my curiosity, I bet. Maybe just one touch of my index finger on its bare skin, and I would have been able to put the whole sense of bewilderment out of my mind. I had to admit, the more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed that I would have been ok with allowing him to pull his pants down with my finger looped around his waistband.

My own index finger seemed to have a mind of its own at this point. With all of these thoughts racing by, that same finger began to trace a line up the head and shaft of my own cock. The further up it got, the more I could feel my cock getting harder and harder. Before long I noticed my dick had grown in size, and was now almost completely erect.

Lost in my thoughts, I gripped my member around its base and slowly began to stroke it up and down. I closed my eyes and resigned to pleasuring myself, letting my thoughts take me wherever they needed to go to get me to cum quickly and get out of the gym shower without getting caught.

As I thought more and more about the hypothetical escalation of the situation, I became more and more lost in the prospect of it happening. Before long I was completely lost in thought and stroking myself under the warm streams of water coming from the showerhead. Lost so much in fact, that I only noticed I was not alone when I felt a cool draft on my backside...

I turned around and saw that the curtain to my shower had been pulled back. Standing there, smiling just as he had been before, was by friend from the bench press. He was shirtless, and had only a towel on below his waist. It was clear he was also getting ready for a shower.

Without a second thought, my eyes found their way down to his crotch. When I saw that it was covered by the fold in the towel and I was not able to see any bulge like I could before, I expected relief. What my brain seemed to register though, in my horny and fully erect state, was more along the lines of disappointment. My eyes were locked between his legs while I held my own cock in my hand, frozen in time once again.

By the time my brain was done assessing yet another surprise in this gym, he had already begun talking while I stood there, gripping my hard cock, halfway through a stroke and wondering what to do next.

"Hey there new friend." He said with a grin. "I was thinking about earlier, and realized that I was probably the one who should have apologized."r"


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