I Wish Bree was My Accountant

At 28 Bree was young but had achieved the title and respect of a senior accountant in a large national firm. As you might expect this meant that in her professional demeanor maturity and competence oozed from her well fitted business suits. She was 5' 9" with a fit body and an attractive face but her clothing did little to enhance her appeal as a woman.

Bree also had beautiful silky long brunette hair but all her work colleagues ever saw was a tight bun at the back of her head. She could easily win a librarian look-a-like contest. She even wore her hair in this severe style at all company social events, off-site conferences and trade shows. It was a key element of her business persona.

Indeed, her librarian-spinster look was exactly how Bree intended. She knew that if her body was exhibited rather than cloaked her career would suffer. Horny men love to see sexy women but frequently assume their brains aren't in the same league as their bodies. In the world of corporate accountancy clients wanted androgynous excellence- not sex appeal.

She had been a varsity basketball player in high school but was too short to play in college. She'd kept in shape by running and still maintained a high level of fitness. Her breasts were her one disappointment. They were perfectly shaped but only a large B cup in size. While many observers would say they were perfectly sized for her body she longed for them to be larger. In fact, she fantasized about being a busty sex pot but stifled those urges as contrary to her professional image.

Her fantasy of having larger breasts had recently been re-ignited when an office colleague, Sally, came back from vacation. Bree hadn't had much interaction with her but knew her to say hello. Sally had been an average female in an office dominated by middle of the road males and females. Accountancy didn't draw the bold and beautiful.

Bree had to strain a bit to remember what Sally looked like before her two weeks away. Sally was about 30, 5 ft 5inches tall, carrying a bit of extra weight. Her hair had been mousy brown and her bustline had been nothing to note. She'd worn conservative clothes and her looks and personality blended in with the other plain office workers.

On her return to the office Sally's hair was blonde and styled. Her skirt was short and tight. She looked a little thinner; perhaps she'd had liposuction. The most dramatic change was that she was now threatening to rip open a tight sweater with very prominent breasts.

Everyone in the office was shocked by the change. Sally's women friends surrounded her. Those like Bree who hadn't been close stayed back but kept glancing over. The men were drooling but stayed away for the first hour or two. After that they seemed to find reasons to individually visit Sally's desk and linger. It seemed that Sally's personality had also grown more open and friendly. She welcomed all of the attention and was basking in the men's flirting.

By Bree's estimate Sally had gone from an A cup to a D. It was hard to judge since she'd been so unremarkable before and her clothing had been loose. Her tits now seemed a size or two bigger than average for her body. The new hair and tight clothes undoubtedly added to the woman's new look but they were mere accessories. The bigger breasts reflected a major life-altering decision and Sally seemed very happy that she'd engaged in the self- improvement.

Bree pictured herself in Sally's position. She'd love to have her breasts but wouldn't want the attention. She was a senior accountant. She needed the respect of the mostly male team that worked for her and not their lustful banter. Nonetheless, Bree couldn't escape visualizing herself with tits like Sally's.

Bree's chest had one noteworthy feature. Her nipples were seemingly much too large for her modest breasts. There were always semi-erect. Fat and long could also describe them. Bree had mixed feelings about them. On the negative side, they always threatened to embarrass her. Padded bras or pads inserted into her bras were needed so they wouldn't be seen poking against her clothes. Wearing padded bras was not a big thing for Bree as she'd always worn them to enhance her bustline. Indeed, the nipple problem gave her an excuse to wear bras that probably added a half cup size to her appearance. Unfortunately, when she dated and the guy got to explore her chest either through her clothes or in the flesh the disappointment was that much greater.

Bree had last faced that a few months back with her current boyfriend, Brian. As had happened before, the unveiling of Bree's tits had stressed her out. When Brian fondled her through her bra, she knew he could feel the padded nature of the garment. When she'd removed the bra she no longer had any secrets; she wasn't flat but she wasn't what most men would want in a woman either.

Brian was silently disappointed when Bree's breast size was confirmed. Through her clothing it had appeared that she didn't have huge tits but naked they seemed even smaller than expected. He loved large tits but she was a nice girl and had a great lean body so he soon became comfortable with her B cups.

Brian was a nice guy and never gave any hint that he had any negative feelings about Bree's breasts. In fact, he paid a lot of attention to them but she was sure he'd expected more flesh and less cotton on the first night he'd gotten her topless. She tried to focus on more positive things.

Bree's nipples were very sensitive and gave pleasure whenever Bree touched or tweaked them. Brian loved them and hence his frequent attention pleased both partners.

Over time Brian became more than just a boyfriend; they were in a long-term relationship. The couple had become very close and Brian seemed very content with Bree's body.

On the weekend following the new Sally's return to the office, Bree thought she'd share her office's excitement with Brian. She said, "Do you remember meeting Sally from my office."

Brian nodded and said, "I think so. At the holiday party-one of the group of women with no dates; she seemed nice."

"She just came back from vacation. She got breast implants- not huge but in the tight tops she wore all week the change was pretty dramatic. She also went from mousy brown to blonde and bought new sexier clothes. If you saw her now, you'd remember her as sexy- not the almost insulting 'nice'. The guys in the office couldn't take their eyes off of her."

Brian didn't say anything beyond a simple 'oh, is that a problem in the office?

Bree said there was no problem; it had been a bit distracting but would probably calm down. Bree couldn't help herself. After a brief silence she added, "Would you think less of me if I got my breasts surgically enhanced?"

Brian knew this was a dangerous subject and so tentatively replied, "Of course not. Are you thinking about it?"

"I've thought of it off and on since high school but never seriously. Seeing Sally brought it all up again. Since we're together, I don't think it's solely my decision any more. You look at me and touch me sexually. Your opinion is important."

"Well, I love you just as you are. I'm not going to get sucked into 'what If' questions. I'll support any decision you make and take every opportunity to enjoy your breasts."

Bree laughed and complimented Brian on his perfect answer. The subject was dropped.

Brian, was the 28-year-old male version of the stereotypical accountant. He was 5' 10" and attractive enough but very forgettable. He worked in the same firm as Bree but he was in their auditing unit- generally thought of as the boring domain of nerds. He was a "suit" both figuratively and literally. Five days a week he wore a white shirt and bland necktie under a brown, grey or blue suit.

Under his staid wardrobe Brian actually had a ripped body. He'd been a long- distance runner in high school. During college he wasn't on any college team but ran regularly and became something of a gym rat. After college he kept up a good exercise routine and was now an accomplished marathon participant. He'd never won a race but was consistently among the runners that everyone took seriously.

Bree and Brian had an average dating experience- gradually getting to know each other and finding many things they had in common. Romance, and eventually a healthy sex life followed.

They'd recently gotten "almost engaged" with a marriage anticipated for 12 to 18 months in the future. They referred to each other as fiancé but had an understanding that marriage was very likely but not yet definite. They never moved in together but spent many nights at each other's apartment.

As thoughts of a truly permanent relationship arose, each of them started to weigh the pros and cons in his/her analytical way. Following some preliminary discussions Brian actually created a spreadsheet to which Bree added input. Each of them wanted any life together to be well thought out and felt they could avoid many of the pitfalls that broke up other couples. If they were going to disagree on these stressful subjects the time to do it was up front. If the differences were too great, they'd rationally decide that marriage wasn't right for them.

Money was well known to be a frequent marriage stress point. Brian and Bree addressed this threat by disclosing their respective current savings and absence of debt. They projected their joint anticipated income and expenses over five years- agreeing on which major expenditures would be affordable and which would not. They put together a budget for a small wedding and a nice honeymoon.

Assuming their careers followed their projections by their fifth anniversary they would have secure employment with good prospects for advancement and an investment portfolio that should cushion any health or other setbacks. Children and purchase of a first home were tentatively penciled in for years 6 through 9 but they agreed that a reassessment of their finances would be needed around year 4 to firm up any plans for their second 5 years of marriage.

Other items such as whether they'd prefer urban living or suburbia were input into the spreadsheet and discussed. On all of these metrics they seemed pretty compatible. It felt good to rationally assess these potential pitfalls and tick them off as low risk threats. Of course, they knew there were some marital issues that were not as easy to input and evaluate. Sex headed up this list.

As they had become sexually intimate, they realized each of them had a strong sex drive. Sex would certainly be a significant and positive aspect of any long- term relationship between them.

They agreed it would be wise to have a serious and open discussion about sex so neither would have surprises later in their relationship. A rational assessment of their respective sexual wishes and boundaries would be worthwhile.

They scheduled a romantic evening on the next weekend during which each would be free to express his or her sexual desires, fetishes and fantasies without any repercussions. As the plan for the evening was firmed up it was agreed that no restaurant would afford sufficient privacy. If the dinner at home was to be carefree it should be simple with no material prep or clean-up. Chinese take-out by candle light was settled upon.

As the evening approached Bre observed that "free to express" one's intimate thoughts wasn't the best approach; the better phrase would be "absolutely required to express"; there shouldn't be any secrets. Brian agreed.

Bree added, "It's also wrong to suggest there won't be consequences. If one of us has desires the other isn't more than willing to satisfy, we're probably better off not marrying."

Brian nodded in agreement but tried to lighten the mood by saying, "You're not going to tell me you're really a man..."

"This is serious. It's not going to work if you make jokes or don't fully reveal your secrets. In fact. I have a new idea. Each of us should write down at least five bullet points of significant things we're going to reveal. They go in an envelope to be opened at the end. That way they'll be no chickening out or soft peddling."

"Oh, okay. I don't know if I have five."

"Of course, you do. Not everything has to be an extreme or out of the norm. For example, I know you like big tits. I've seen the porn you watch. If you want you could speak more about that; reveal any dreams or longings you have in that area."

Bree hesitated and then added, "Mentioning your love of tits prompts me to say I guess we'd better put our bullet points in columns to distinguish remote fantasies from ones that are more important and achievable. For example, without judging, if you tell me you think of yourself with big tits I ought to know if it's something you really want or merely a dream you once had."

Brian resisted the urge to joke, laughed and said, "Got it."

Finally, Bree said, "I don't want to be melodramatic but this is an important exercise. Our work colleagues undoubtedly assume we're boring in bed and always will be. If that's what our future would be, I want to know it now. If we each fantasize and might pursue some kink, we ought to know that, too."

Bree gave a lot of thought to what she might write down. With 2 days to go before the big evening, Bree sat down to write out her bullet points. She was reluctant but determined to be open. She drew 3 columns and labeled them 'really," "maybe," and "remote but hot."

With her hand trembling, in the "remote" column she wrote "want to be a big-titted bimbo'. She shook her head in disbelief that she'd actually put that thought on paper. It wasn't going to happen but it had been a recurring fantasy of hers since college. Then she smiled as she imagined Brian being shocked but aroused on reading those few words. The idea of her with giant tits and always horny would undoubtedly get him hard.

More confident, in the "really" column she wrote, "want to get breast implants" and after a brief pause next to that, in the "maybe" column she wrote, "really big implants."

Being forever rational, Bree dropped down a row and in the "really" column wrote "sex pot at home while conservative at the office". In the "maybe" column she added, "if tits too big to be conservative at office, busty but professional. Very hot but not whorish". She couldn't resist entering something in the "remote" column on the same line. She wrote, "Great accountant but shockingly sexy with huge tits and a killer bod. Might need to practice accounting in the porn industry or for strippers."

Down on another row into the "remote" column she wrote "sex slave to my dominant husband". Under that in the same column she added, "pierced nipples and clit hood at husband's demand."

In the "really" column she wrote, "tiny nipple rings if my husband wants" and in the "maybe" column, "large nipple rings if my husband directs". She hesitated but then went back and underlined the words "wants" and "directs".

In the 'really' column she wrote "want to experiment with corsets- to slim my waist, improve my posture and as quasi bondage." She added an entry in the "maybe" column, "Same ideas with corsets but with my husband in control of them." In the remote column she wrote, "same idea with corsets under husband's control but almost full time and with more of a bondage aspect."

In the "maybe" column she wrote, "If not obvious from everything I've written I'd like to explore my submissive side in the privacy of our home."

Finally, in the "Maybe" column she entered, "Anal sex and butt plugs but no enemas or horse tails on plugs".

Bree thought for a minute and realized that she'd perhaps missed the big picture. In the "really" column she wrote, "I'm open to any sex so long as both of us enjoy it. My biggest turn-on is getting you crazy aroused and then bringing you to an explosive climax. Any route to that works for me."

As an after- thought, following the above entry she added, "While I want to give you gigantic orgasms, I'll expect the same in return. No chastity belts or long- term deprivation."

Bree decided she was finished and put her list aside. She didn't seal it in the envelope just in case some other thoughts came to mind. After a day she felt there was nothing else to add and sealed the envelope.

Working on his own at roughly the same time Brian created his list. He labeled his three columns, "Important to me," "I'd like to try this," and "Not realistic but it gets me hard".

For his first entry he focused on the "Important" column. He wrote, "Freedom to take Bree sexually whenever I want-hopefully in a way that she finds arousing." Beneath that in the same 'Important" column he entered, "We each stay fit and discipline ourselves to have good sex regularly."

In the Important column he wrote, "The bun should go; Bree's hair is too great to be hidden and tortured into a ball."

In the "Unrealistic" column. He wrote, "A bigger and thicker cock to truly fuck my sexy wife into delirium." In the "Like to try" column he added, "With Bree's help learning to control my orgasm so I can fuck her long and hard."

Under that, In the "Like to try" column he added, "Bree offers to get breast implants and while being the consummate professional at work, devotes herself to being my sex kitten at home. She watches videos, etc. to become a superb cocksucker. I'll also seek to greatly improve my oral skill."

Next, again in the "Like to Try" column he wrote, "Bree gets her nipples pierced and we buy a variety of high-quality gold jewelry- some to show through tops and others to be more private. She has to loosen up about nipple bumps. I love them."

In the "Not realistic but gets me hard" column he added, "Bree submits herself totally to me and enjoys herself as my submissive sex partner. A full time Dom/sub sexual relationship while equals in daily life". A third sentence added, "One can even imagine the beautiful accountant working from home- perhaps naked or in partial bondage while working her financial wizardry on million-dollar projects."

Under that in the "Not realistic but gets me hard" column Brian added, "Bree gets huge breast implants and dresses only in sexy clothes that I select including a variety of tight corsets. She's always horny and anxious to please me." To the left under the "Try" label he wrote, "Bree in corsets- often and in cuffs sometimes."

Under "Important" he added, "All of Bree's lingerie is replaced with sexy items with my input. Sexy high heels are worn frequently."

Finally, under the "Not realistic" column he wrote "Induced lactation" and under that, "Big tits I can suck on which drives Bree to repeated orgasms".

Brian paused and reviewed his list. He tried to imagine what Bree might have on her list and what she might like to see on his. He really wanted to marry her and didn't want this list to frighten her away. This prompted him to go to the "important" column to enter, "I'm in charge in the bedroom but Bree speaks up if I go too far with bondage or other kink." Under "I'd like to try" he inserted' "Lots of kink that I haven't even thought of yet but with Bree always having a "safe word."

Finally, the big night arrived. They turned their phones off, changed into silk robes, ordered their take-out dinner and opened some good quality wine. The envelopes with their respective lists were ceremoniously placed in the center of the table.

After the dinner was delivered Bree turned down the lights and lit some candles. Brian added some soft music in the background.

During dinner Bree said, "I got very aroused when I wrote out my list a few days ago but now, I'm nervous. I'm starting to wonder if this whole idea is very foolish and might ruin what we have."

Brian replied, "I understand. I'm a little nervous too but I think it's still a good idea. We don't want big sexual disappointments down the road. Disclosing the truth about our secret thoughts can only be a good thing between people seeking the perfect marriage."r"












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