MILF Book Club Pt. 03

MILF Book Club pt. 3

The final part of this story, but there are more in the works as they continue to read and be inspired.

On the day of the meeting it was clear that both Sharifah and Athena were eager to begin, as both were grinning. Finally as all were sipping their tea Sharifah gestured to Athena.

"Athena, why don't you begin?" Athena set her tea cup aside and looked around to see she had everyone's attention before speaking. After she had related the time she had spent with Devon she spoke to sum up.

"It was...amazing. Such passion, it had been too long." Rosalia looked as if she would burst as she gathered herself.

"Again, you seduce a boy young enough to be your son, aren't you ashamed?" Athena laughed.

"Not in the least and he is a little too old to be my son." Before Rosalia could continue Sharifah spoke.

"I guess now is the time to share my experience." So she launched into her own afternoon with Devon and noted Rosalia was becoming increasingly agitated. When she finished it was Marina who spoke.

"Dominated him? I don't think I would have the nerve." Sharifah shrugged.

"I didn't think I would either, but you never know. In my usual experience it is equal." Rosalia nearly jumped to her feet as she spoke.

"How dare you corrupt that boy? And then behaving like a shameless slut?" Miyu burst out laughing. Rosalia attempted to continue, but Miyu's amusement made this impossible. Soon Rosalia gave up and made much of drinking her tea. At last Miyu calmed down and wiped a tear.

"Rosalia you protest so much, that I feel quite certain if I were to check I would find your panties quite soaked." Rosalia's eyes shot open and Sharifah winced as Rosalia set her tea cup down a little too hard.

"How dare you? To suggest such a thing..." She trailed off as she became too worked up to speak coherently. Miyu grinned and shook her head.

"If I'm wrong I will apologize and we'll say no more about it." Sharifah spoke up in an effort to deescalate the situation.

"Okay everyone let's breathe, Now who still needs to finish?" Marina immediately raised her hand and after several awkward moments Rosalia nodded. "So next week we can start a new book. Anything else?" They all shook their heads. "Next week then." Rosalia was the first to leave and Marina avoided everyone's eyes as she slunk out.

A few days later saw Marina set aside the novel and sighed. She was in her living room, curled up in a chair and remembering what Miyu, Sharifah and Athena had said about their time with Devon. Truthfully it sounded amazing, but she didn't think she would have the guts to go through with it. She was just thinking about what to make for dinner when her phone rang. She saw that it was her husband.

"Hi Vanya, you going to be home this afternoon?" His deep voice came back with regret.

"No, but I will be back for dinner, we've got a game of pick up football organized. But Coleman is coming over to fix the doors upstairs. Sorry I forgot, he should be there about now. Dosvidaniya."

"Dosvidaniya." She sighed, Vanya was an amazing man in many ways, but remembering things was never his strong suit. Just as her thoughts were returning to dinner, the doorbell rang. She went to the door and unexpectedly it was Devon.

"Devon? I thought your father was coming over." He smiled, obviously trying to be reassuring.

"Hi Mrs. Lebedev. Sorry about the confusion, dad called your husband to say that today wasn't going to work. Didn't he tell you?" She shook her head and laughed hesitatingly.

"My husband rarely remembers to tell me about these changes in plans. Come in." She led the way to the hall closet. She struggled to open the door in demonstration of the problem. He nodded.

"Ah, happens a lot with older doors, they usually weren't treated right and moisture warps them. The doors will need to be treated, but I can make them work for now." She nodded and he got out his tools. She watched him for some time as she considered how to go about this. She started by imagining him doing the job naked. She grinned, but while a definite turn-on it wasn't enough. The answer was not forthcoming. So she waited as he completed work on the hall closet door. Then he moved to the master bathroom to work on its door and she sat on the toilet. The whole time he seemed to ignore her, despite her showing her legs and some cleavage.

So she grabbed some moisturizer and set to work on her legs, seemingly heedless of him. While she was becoming increasingly turned on, he continued to ignore her. Marina wanted to scream, she wanted attention, but actually asking for it still felt beyond her. Finally she could delay no longer and set aside the moisturizer. She adjusted her clothes to show off more of her body, however she couldn't bring herself to expose the more intimate parts of her anatomy.

In time he finished with the bathroom door and moved to the bedroom door while she moved to the bed. Now she decided to go a little further as her horniness was starting to overcome her shyness. So she sat on the bed, after a moment's hesitation she removed her shirt exposing small bra covered breasts. She worked her hands over her breasts.

However it was only when a low moan escaped her lips that Devon looked over to her. To her disappointment he quickly went back to working on the door. She wanted to yell her frustration, but decided to switch tactics. She spread her legs, exposing the dark blue panties. A hand soon found its way to rub against her panties. This time she moaned a bit louder and once more he looked up. He stared for several moments, but soon returned to his work.

She said a curse under her breath, and repeated it as she usually cursed under her breath, never out loud. Suddenly the idea struck her that maybe he wasn't interested because after sex with the others, she simply wasn't as appealing by comparison. Struggling harder not to scream she swiftly removed her bra and flung it in his direction, but it fell short eliciting no response. So she focused on going further, now pinching her nipples. She gasped and whimpered softly. He briefly looked up before returning to the door. Frustration mounting she tossed her skirt aside and returned to rubbing herself through her panties, while continuing to pinch a nipple.

Now she was moaning audibly and he looked up to stare for several moments. This attention didn't last long before he was again fully occupied with the door. Suddenly she stood and stepped deliberately over to him. She considered a moment before removing her panties and shoving them into his face.

"Inhale." He hesitated, but she held until he took in her scent. She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled.

"Come." His reaction was slow, but ultimately he allowed himself to be pulled across the floor to the bed. She remained standing, looking down at him.

"Lick." He looked up at her, then at her pussy and back at her. She cocked an eyebrow and slowly he nodded. He leaned in, tongue extending, and licked the length of her slit. She moaned and took his head in both hands to pull him tighter. She moaned and ground harder against his face, even as he continued to lick for all he was worth. She briefly shifted her feet apart a bit further and redoubled her thrusts against his face.

Her first orgasm came swiftly as his questing tongue found her clit. She held on as he continued to lick until she collapsed onto the bed. After a short time to catch her breath she looked up. He was now standing by the bed, cock hard, dripping precum and he was looking intently at her.

"Lie down, on the bed." His mouth opened briefly in surprise, but quickly closed it and complied. She swiftly mounted him, lowering herself onto his cock with a small sound as he refilled her. She rested on top of him, looking down at him and grinning. Positioning her legs she lifted herself up and slammed down with a moan from both of them. As she continued to ride, his moaning soon became louder than hers. Her hands went to her breasts and groped herself hard, pinching her nipples occasionally. She rode him harder as she worked her breasts with equal vigor. As she squeezed him tighter with her legs, her pussy tightened around him. She cried out as her orgasm it and she slammed down on him. Her hands went to his chest and she leaned forward to catch her breath.

Once more she was eager for to continue and moved off of him. She grinned when she saw he was still hard. With one hand stroking him, she worked his balls with the other. She listened carefully to his moaning and paid careful attention to the tightness of his balls. When she felt certain he was about to cum she stopped. He groaned and reached for his cock. She smacked his hand away.

"No, you will cum only when I say." She repeated this process twice more, each time eliciting louder groans of frustration from him. After the third time she moved to mount his face. This time he did not begin licking as readily as before. She smacked his balls and he groaned, pressing his face into her. In a moment he was licking with enthusiasm. She moaned softly and reached for his cock to stroke it slowly. His tongue penetrated between her lips and she ground harder on him. He continued to work his tongue, while she maintained a slow, steady pace on his cock. He sucked on her clit as hard as he could and she almost stroked him harder. Suddenly she slammed down hard on his face, crying out her orgasm. After a moment she climbed off of him and kneeled alongside. She returned to stroking him as she spoke.

"Beg." He stared a moment before he blinked and spoke.

"Please." She stopped stroking and stared hard.

"Please...mistress, may I cum. Please, please I'm so close, let me cum." She smiled and stroked him harder and gently squeezed his balls. In a short time he cried out loudly as his cum spurted out. She continued to stroke until no more came out. She leaned down to clean him up, he moaned softly. Satisfied she lay back on the bed with a small smile on her face. She barely noticed as Devon climbed out of the bed to dress and finished the doors. She reached for her phone and texted Rosalia.

-Just you now

Rosalia blinked and realized that she had nodded off. She was just returning her attention to her computer when she realized that what had woken her was the chime on her phone. She groaned when she saw the message from Marina. She just stopped herself from tossing the phone aside.

"Is Miyu right? Am I protesting too much? And now they will never let me hear the end of it. Even shy Marina has managed it." This would occupy her thoughts for the next couple of days.

Rosalia finished the book and set it down. Truth be told she liked the ending and so she was starting to reconsider the rest of it. However she still wasn't sure if she would participate as well, despite how she knew the others would react. Her phone chimed and she saw it was a text from Sid Coleman.

-Is now good for Devon to take measurements?

She sighed as she remembered Devon was supposed to come over to measure the main floor interior walls in preparation for some remodeling.


"You'd think someone wanted this to happen." It was about ten minutes later that the doorbell rang. She opened the door to reveal Devon.

"Hi Mrs. Garcia." She nodded.

"Come in, Devon. The wall we want to remove is the one on the left." He set to work taking measurements and consulting the notes on what she had told his dad on what they wanted. Rosalia considered how she would go about seducing him, although she was still uncertain about actually going through with it. She decided to start by adjusting her blouse to show some cleavage.

However he ignored her despite having seen her when he adjusted his position. She tried leaning in to make sure he got a good look, but he continued to ignore her. She stood up straight to reconsider her strategy, as well as if she even wanted to. Waiting until she was sure he wasn't going to make any sudden movements, she moved in close to rub her breasts against his back. He looked up, but pointedly moved forward away from her breasts.

She stood up straight and felt herself blushing. What the hell was she doing? Trying to get a barely legal boy to notice her? However this thought was quickly replaced by irritation as she considered his reaction. What was wrong with her? And how dare he reject her? As these thoughts swirled in her head he finished his work. He deliberately put his stuff away and made as if to leave, but merely put his stuff by the door. He stood in front of her and pointed to the floor.

"Kneel, you MILF slut." She meant to object, but suddenly found herself on her knees. He looked away, dismissive as he sat in a chair. "Strip." She tried to make the strip a proper tease, but knew she really didn't have a clue. When she was naked she realized he was naked as well, but still seated in the chair. Devon pointed to the floor by his right leg and she immediately knelt by him. "What do you want?" She stared blankly up at him as she considered the answer to this. However the answer was obvious.

"Your cock." He shook his head.

"My cock...what?" She looked down as she considered this.

"Your cock...sir." He nodded.

"Beg, MILF slut." She blushed and considered the fact that she was calling a boy about half her age 'sir'.

"Please, sir may I have your cock." He slowly spread his legs and she briefly eyed his cock. This did not last long before she took his cock in hand and stroked it for a moment before licking up the length of the shaft. A few more strokes before she took the head in her mouth and slowly sucked. She stayed on the head listening to his soft moans and adjusting according to his reaction. His hands went to her head and pulled causing her to slowly move down his cock until she was all the way down. She almost immediately tried to pull off but he held her in place till she began spluttering. He held her a moment longer before releasing her. She continued to splutter and drool on to his cock for several moments before he patted her head.

"Good job, MILF pet. Bend over." She blinked as she gathered herself. However she complied with his order. Once she was in position he moved behind her. Without warning she felt a sharp smack on her rear. She flinched and cried out. He smacked her ass several more times before speaking. "Well, what does the little bitch want?" Her voice came in a whine after a stream of curses in Spanish.

"Please, master fuck me. Give me your cock in my dripping cunt." Another smack and a cry from her before he began rubbing his palm against her wet pussy. She moaned and pushed back against him. He plunged two fingers into her, finding no resistance. He thrust in and out for several moments, with her pushing back against him, her desperation growing.

Suddenly he stopped and she whimpered. Before she could say anything he smacked her again, however this time it was followed by him rubbing her reddened checks. She pushed back against his hand and moaned softly, almost purring. He stopped and she turned her head, only for her to feel the head of his cock penetrating her lips. As he plunged in all the way her responding moan was louder than ever. The thrusting was soon at full speed and his moaning was nowhere near as loud as hers.

He squeezed her ass tightly as he continued to thrust into her. Her head slowly lowered to the floor as she focused on matching his efforts to fill her completely. The moaning filled the room and her breathing came harder as his cock continued to move in and out of her. He stopped occasionally to smack her rear, but didn't entirely pull out of her. She felt herself tighten around him and she cried out as her orgasm hit and she collapsed, only held up by him and his continued thrusting.

She would occasionally whimper, but overall she allowed herself to be used in this manner. He grunted and continued to thrust, but soon this became increasingly erratic before he stopped suddenly. She mumbled incoherently as he moved around in front of her. He thrust into her mouth several times before he suddenly stopped and made one last thrust into her mouth. It took several moments of him cumming down her throat before he released her head, while she struggled to swallow his cum. He stared at her for several moments on the floor before gathering her up and moving to the couch. Once she became aware of her surroundings she realized she was in his lap. She looked up and he leaned into kiss her. The kiss was brief and he smiled.

"I should probably go, I don't need to ask if you enjoyed it." He set her down once more on the floor and dressed. She curled up on the floor and pushed down the feelings of guilt and regret. She smiled.

"Prude, huh? Wait 'til they hear about this."

At the next meeting Sharifah served the tea as usual and waited until she was seated to speak.

"So, Rosalia are you going to share? You appear fit to burst." Rosalia tried to glare, but somehow couldn't manage it. So instead she launched into an explanation of her own experience with Devon. When she finished everyone was stunned to the point where they struggled to find words. To their surprise it was Marina who spoke.

"Well, I'm almost afraid to share my experiences after that, but here goes." The silence that followed her story was nowhere near that experienced by Rosalia. Finally Sharifah spoke.

"Wow, I think this was a particularly successful one. Does anyone have an idea of what book we should do next?" Marina looked away shyly and Rosalia shrugged. Sharifah turned to Miyu.

"No, after that I think someone else should take a turn." When attention was turned to Athena she spoke readily.

"Oh yeah, I have an idea. I just got the sequel to Miyu's book. I've only just started, but I can't wait to see where our heroine goes next." Marina brightened up and nodded eagerly. Rosalia sighed.

"Alright, let's go again." Miyu grinned.

"Nice to see you loosening up at last." Sharifah smiled.

"Okay everyone usual drill. See you next week."

To Be Continued in MILF Book Club: Book 2



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