The Walls Came Tumbling Down

This is my version of the second story 'The Wall' from the series CW-'Hello Walls'. Dr Know's second story 'The Wall' is about Alan getting his revenge. I tried to contact him but to no avail never heard back.

I basically didn't like the way Kate was betrayed in his version. This is a RAAC. She went from being a moral woman to really valued fidelity to being a whore and a slut. It was his story and I appreciate that, but I thought I would give it a little different twist.

To understand this story you must read the CW- 'Hello Walls' or you will not understand this story. There are things that are in the first story that is referenced in this one but not spelled out.

Spell checked by 'Word'. Thanks to TC2001 and Marlboro Man for advice. Any mistakes are mine.

Remember like my teenage daughter once told me, "this is my world, and you are passing thru it to serve my needs." She is now 25 and still thinks it.

The Walls Came Tumbling Down

Alan gets his revenge and Kate.

Alan Sizemore sat at the bar in the Sky Lounge located at the top of the Hilton Hotel. From this advantage point it overlooked the Osaka International airport. Alan was drinking his 6th scotch and water of the night. It was a double, but he told the bartender that the only water he wanted in it was the droplets that were left over from it being washed.

From his position he could see an Airbus 380 slowly start to move down the runway. The flaps were fully down in the takeoff position. Even though he was two miles away from the runway he could still feel the rumble coming from the 4 huge 71,100 lbf trust that the Rolls Royce Trent 700 engines produce as it lifts the 1.2 million fully loaded pounds into the air.

He had become incoherent of his surroundings as he tried to drink himself into a coma. Alan had moved on from the Bureau into the military industrial complex. He now sold chemical compounds for missiles which included chemicals for war heads and missile propellants.

It had been a hard two years after his relationship with Kate was nuked by Aaron. Aaron was the backstabbing ex-friend, piece of shit that set him up, destroyed his life and took his wife and son from him.

"Hello, my friend," came a voice from behind him. It was Akio Tanaka the president of Osaka Defense Systems a division of Osaka Electronics. "Congratulations on your win today. You negotiated one of the best deals we have ever put together with your company.

I see you are already celebrating my old friend may I join you?" Like Alan, Akio was a graduate from Harvard with Alan and became one of his best friends in school. He was always hanging with Kate and Alan so he could hit on Kate's friends.

He told Alan when he was at Harvard that he got laid so much because of his friendship with them that he referred to Kate as his pimp. At the time Alan informed him, he better never let Kate hear that. They then had a running joke between the two of them that every time they saw a couple with an extra guy we called the girl his pimp. Thank god for the both of us she never figured out what we were saying.

"Alan here take this, have a little something for you to take home with you," Akio sticking his hand out in attempt to hand him an envelope.

Alan stuck his hand out and shook him off. "you know me better than that Akio," slurring his words.

"I do my friend. I told my father you wouldn't except it, but he is so old school he sees it as the cost of doing business. Both our companies have made millions from our partnership. Akio took the envelope and stuck it back in his pocket. You my friend are a very honorable man."

"Yea riiiiiight," replied Alan, "and what has that gotten me." Akio looked at Alan face to see tears running down his cheeks. Alan stood up to go back to his room and blacked out.

12 hours later "Hello, my friend you are alive." smiling Akio. "Where am I?" asked Alan, looking around knowing it was not his hotel suite. Grabbing his head, "I feel like an elephant is sitting on my head."

"You are at my condo downtown," explained Akio. You get up take a shower you stink. I had your stuff from the hotel brought here. When you are ready, come out and tell me what happened."

Alan came out of his room and walked into Akio's kitchen. Akio had breakfast ready for him that consisted of fruit toast and coffee. Alan couldn't stomach fish for breakfast.

Alan looked at Akio and asked, "would you have ever gone after Kate behind my back or tried to take her from me?

Akio looked at Alan with anger. "how in the hell could even ask me that question? You are my friend, probably one of the best friends I have ever had. Without you I would have disgraced my family. In my family passing is not good enough, you have to graduate top of your class with honors. Hell, even if you had broken up with Kate I wouldn't have gone after her. It would have been disrespectful to you and our friendship."

"Alan, Kate had eyes for no one else but you. She thought you walked on water what in the hell is going on between you two."

Over the next 4 hours Alan explained in detail what happened between him, Aaron, and Katie and how he was setup by Aaron and his friend Luke.

Akio looked at Alan and asked with a pissed off look and growled, "what kind of revenge are you going to rain down on them?"

"Akio," Alan replied with a deep sigh and a sound of defeat in his voice. Every idea I have ends with me ending up in jail or dead. I also do not have any evidence that Kate would believe that would prove my innocents. I am lucky that Aaron didn't prevent me from getting this job. He had me fired from my old one."

"I guess he has been so busy screwing my Kate he forgot about me. He also works for one of the most powerful lobbyist firms in the country. He has very powerful friends that go all the way to the halls of congress. I guess I am lucky he hasn't had me killed.

Akio was smiling from ear to ear, "I knew Aaron from school he was an asshole. But he has made a fatal mistake my friend. You have even more powerful and dangerous friends. I want you to look at this," as Akio removed his shirt.

All Alan could think to say was, "oh shit."

Now you see why I could not dishonor my family. "Come my friend, we will go see my father he can help you." Akio ordered his driver to bring the car around to pick them up.


2 hours later they arrived at Mr. Kenji Tanaka's compound. Alan thought this was a little much for a mere CEO of a giant Electronic Defense contractor.

They walked thru the perfectly manicured estate. The ponds were filled with Coy. Rock gardens perfectly raked, each with its own artistic design. There were Japanese Bonsai and Red Maple trees smattered throughout the facility. Then there were the fully bloomed Cherry Blossoms trees, just beautiful this time of year.

But what really stood out to Alan were the guards with Uzi's strolling around the facility. Before entering the building they removed their shoes, placed them at the door. They then put on the sandals that were left for them to wear.

Waiting in Akio's fathers office Mr. Tanaka walked in. Akio and Alan both bowed first to show their respect for the senior Tanaka. Alan pulled out his card from his business card holder and swapped cards with Akio's father. The card holder is used for receiving and giving out personal cards. It would be considered a personal insult to put it in the bare pocket or wallet.

Mr. Tanaka sat down at his desk and looked at Alan "my son has explained to me in detail your dilemma. You have always acted toward us in an honorable manner, and we appreciate it. Both our companies have benefitted greatly."

"I know you have refused every attempt to reward you personally, but maybe we can help as friends. Suppose you could have any revenge you wanted against them what would it be."

Alan sat there thinking, "I want my son to know the truth and have visitation rights. I want him to have my name again. I am pretty sure we were both set up, but I have no proof to show her otherwise.

She could have been involved in doing this to us, but I do not want to drop the full fury of hell on her unless I am 100% sure. She is the mother of my son after all."

"You Mr. Sizemore you are a better man than I." replied Mr. Tanaka. "She would be in my whore house in Singapore that you visited with that gentlemen name Luke Billing. Madam Chow informed me of this earlier today what happened that night."

"He has been setting up people for years doing this for Aaron Walls and his firm. I guess he decided to use it on you."

Alan sat there in shock trying to take everything that Mr. Tanaka was saying.

"Mr. Tanaka I want to thank you for offering your help," sighed Alan, "but that would mean me owing you and your organization. I know once a favor is done I would owe you for the rest of my life and it will affect my company. Then I would be no better than Walls."

Mr. Sizemore, this is no quid quo pro this is payment for what you have done for my organization and my son. He informed me that it was you that helped in getting through school tutoring him. It would have been a great embarrassment and dishonor to our family for him not to graduate with honors.

Mr. Tanaka gave Alan a few options and some ideas to think about.


6 weeks later.

Alan sat in a car outside the Constellation Room watching out his car's window as the wipers moved back and forth removing the drizzle from the windshield. Suddenly two figures appeared into the lights crossing the street towards the restaurant.

Just as they reached the restaurant door eight men jumped out of 2 Black Escalades and surrounded the two of them. The man that Luke was escorting took off as they dragged Luke into one of the vehicles.

4 hours later.

"Wake up sleepy head," do you remember me Alan Sizemore. As Luke regained his sense's he finally focused in on Alan and realized who he was.

He started to move but to no avail. It was at this moment he realized he was tied to a steel chair. He tried to start talking but was gagged.

Alan sat in a chair facing him, "ahhhh yeah, I see you do." Now Luke I am going to speak for a while, and you are going to listen. I will explain what I want from you and what will happen if you do not give me the answers I want. 'RESISTANCE IS FUTILE'. "Dam I always wanted to say that," smiled Alan.

Alan pulled an I-Pad out and opened it up to show a picture of a woman sleeping in her bed. He asked in a cold steely voice. "This is your wife isn't it Luke?" Luke was panicking and trying to free himself from is confinement. Alan took the Pad and changed screens showing each of his daughters room where his girls were sleeping.

"Now that I have your full undivided attention you piece of shit," seethed Alan. Alan's face was no more than three inches from his face. You can see by these pictures that your security system means shit."

Now if you do not give me the answers I want, your wife will end up in a brothel in Mexico as a crack whore. And your daughters, they will end up in Ms. Chow's emporium. I'll be the first in line."

Now I am going to pull your gag off, and we can talk. No sooner than the gag came off Luke started yelling, "I will kill you mother fucker. I have friends in Washington, and you will never hear the bullet that turns your brains into a mist."

"You know Luke," with a cold dead stare, Alan spoke. "You have made a major mistake here. Since you and Aaron have taken away everything that matters to me, my wife and kid and the destruction of my parents, I really don't care if I live or die. I have a non-revocable contract out on you and your family. Even in the event I get an infected ingrown toenail and die from it, you die."

Alan snapped his fingers and two of his friends showed up and removed their shirts. Luke's eyes got a large as a saucer, "oh fuck." "That's right Luke I have friends also," smiled Alan.

"I want to know every little detail of your operation with Aaron and if anything gets left out you know the consequences. I want to know where you keep the files and videos. What other people are involved in your little blackmail scheme. Any missing details it's over. I don't want her back; I want my son back he can keep the whore."

"You will give that information to my little friends. But first you are going to do an interview with me, and I will ask you a question and you will answer and follow my lead."

"Here is exactly what you told me." Alan holding a piece of paper in front of Lucas's face. "They have been burned in my brain since that day. You will read from this teleprompter behind me, and you better make it look convincing. And ask yourself this, is your life and family worth protecting Aaron for."

I want you to repeat to me exactly what you told me that day."

Alan reached over and turned on the video camera.

"Did you and Aaron set me up and why?" ask Alan. I want you to tell me exactly what you told me that day."

"Yep, Aaron paid that woman in Toronto to make nice with you in the bar. Aaron only had to embellish it a little to make it sound like you met your lover in the bar and then spent the night with her. Of course the pictures of her kissing you and grabbing your crotch, and you grabbing her boob sealed the deal. Kate immediately thought you were cheating on her. The next day at the office Aaron 'comforted' Kate in his office. She sucked him off and he had her legs spread before you could say 'cheating spouse'."

"Luke went on, "I would bet that by now, Kate is purring for Aaron to fuck her again. She is all his now. He was smart in the way he used Kate's view of marital fidelity to undermine your marriage. And you played right into his hands by thinking he was doing so much as your friend. Hell, he thinks you are a pathetic little worm. He planned to have Kate rape you in the divorce settlement and then get you fired from your job. He wants you gone from the area, so Kate is never tempted to try to patch things up with you."

Listen Alan, "I do not know if they had sex at that time or not. It is what he told me to tell you. He wanted you totally destroyed."

"Have you double penetrated her yet?" snarled Alan.

"No," Luke replied, "Aaron is working on her to do it. He hasn't been successful. It is just a matter of time he is pretty persuasive. And even if he is not successful in convincing her willingly and it comes down to it he will just drug her like we did you and get it.

Has he hurt my kid?

"No he hasn't touched him. You can believe this or not, but I would have come down on him like a ton of bricks about that. He hates the kids and wants to send both the kids off to boarding school. He even hates is own kid for some reason. He loves her in his own way but wants to control her and have her all to himself?"

Alan leaned back in his chair turned off the camera and stood up. Luke was scared now, "please don't hurt my family. Do what you want with me but not my wife and kids."

"Tell me Lucas why shouldn't I. You destroyed mine."

Alan lost control of his temper and slugged him in the jaw knocking him over in his chair. Standing over the top of him, "you will stay here until I give them a call to release you. I do not want you giving Mr. Walls heads up. If I ever see you again or end up dead you will be hearing from these guys. Do you understand?" Luke nodded his head yes.


4 weeks later

"Kate that was a great party," smiled Aaron. He reached over and placed his hand on her knee and then tried to run it up under her LBD dress. "I am hornier than hell and I want you," in a demanding voice. "Silly man giggled Kate, "keep your eyes on the road and I'll give you everything you can handle when we get home. It's a good thing the boys are at my mother's house." Smiling with a come fuck me look.

They pulled up to just one of the many gated communities in Bethesda Maryland outside Washington. As they pulled up to the gate, the guard came out to check their pass before letting them thru. Aaron spoke, "where's Bill?" The Japanese gentlemen explained, "he is on vacation. I am just filling in."

Upon entering their house the lights went out and they both felt needles being inserted into their necks.

An hour later both had water poured over their heads. They heard, "wake up," came from a booming voice. "Wake the fuck up," yelled Alan.

As both Kate and Aaron came to, they realized they were tied and bound in chairs with gag balls in their mouths. The only difference was Kate was tied with her legs closed and Aaron spread eagle. Standing around them were 8 men dressed in black with long Samurai swords.

"You know Aaron, I think I would have a talk with your security company that's monitoring your house they suck," laughing Alan."

"Hello Kate," said Alan, "looking into her terrorized eyes. "I hope you and your fuck buddy here are doing good. Oh look his penis is hanging out." His pants had been cut open and the crotch area exposed.

"Jesus Christ Kate, you gave me up for that little thing," Alan laughing. Kate was pissed now. Words came out muffled as she was trying to rip Alan a new asshole.

One on the men brought over a large battery operated power tool. "Aaron old buddy," smirked Alan. "I want to show you a toy of mine. It is a Greenlee Gator Cable Cutter. It will cut up to a 4 inch diameter cable applying 50,000 PSI to the cutting edge. It looks like I really oversized it."

Alan walked over to his backpack and took out a bloody Glad Freezer bag. " Let me explain the contents, these are Lucas's, he will not be needing them anymore." Aaron turned white at the site of Lucas's conjones, as Alan tossed them onto his lap.

Alan looked over at a terrorized Kate, "I just wanted these to get your attention. You see Kate," as Alan explained, "you are not the one that needs to worry here, if I were to cut off your tits on the Literotica site they would censor it, but if I cut off Aaron's dick and castrate him that would get through. Kind of sexist don't you think?" Alan laid down the cutter.

Alan went on to explain, " I really do not care what you two do anymore. Aaron you can fuck this slut all you want. You two deserve each other."

Alan walked over and removed Aaron's gag. Aaron started screaming, "you mother fucker, I'll have you head on a fucking platter. I have friends all the way to pentagon and they will hunt you down and make you wish you were never born. You fucked around on her and now you are trying to blame us."

"Jesus Christ you and Lucas need to get a new thesaurus."

"Oh," said Alan. Is that what happened. You two tried, convicted, and sentenced me without a trial. I am here to have that trial. Except this time I brought my witnesses to the crime that you both committed against me. Also this time when it is over, execution will be on the table or maybe castration. Maybe I will let you choose." Alan walked over and put the ball gag back into Aaron's mouth.

"Listen I will give you a choice unlike what you gave me. I can go ahead and cut your goddam balls and dick off here and now or I can give you a trial and then cut them off." Alan went over and picked up the cutter and put a 3 inch diameter steel cable between the blades. He pulled the trigger and it slowly cut through it like butter.

Aaron was now hyperventilating. "Now Aaron here is your choices. I want to make sure you understand them. First choice is to cut it off now or second choice we have a trial and when I find you guilty then do it," Alan explaining Aaron's choices to him. "I will hold up my fingers and you nod which one you want." I held up is middle finger at Aaron first and Aaron shook his head no. "I thought so you piece of shit." said Alan.,216832


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