Dan's Conditioning Ch. 04

It had been over a week since Dan's last encounter with Miss Kendra. The only contact between the two had been the now daily routine text messages from his mistress. One text in the morning commanded him to model the panties he had chosen to wear that day before he was allowed to finish getting dressed. The camera in the corner of his room was just one device in an ever-growing surveillance apparatus Kendra had been assembling to keep tabs on him. This made Dan extremely edgy, and he felt as if she always knew where he was and what he was up to. Sometimes it seemed as if he couldn't keep even his own thoughts hidden from her.

Another message from Kendra would be received in the evening instructing him as to which hypnotic video should be projected onto his ceiling that night, along with whether or not she had granted him permission to touch himself that evening. So far, it seemed as if he had about a fifty-fifty chance of being allowed to orgasm each night. Dan had even imagined Miss Kendra on the other end of the phone flipping a coin to decide his fate. As that seemed to be the only rhyme or reason to it.

The nights in which he was granted permission for release, she always included the number of orgasms he was required to achieve. Along with a reminder that he must consistently lap up every last drop of his cum. The climax quota appeared to be just as random as to which nights he was allowed release. Some nights he was only allowed one orgasm, and on other nights he could be required to squirt out five or six loads before the night was through.

On one particular evening, Kendra had demanded thirteen orgasms from him. Dan struggled that night but did eventually passed her test. Even though it left him utterly exhausted both mentally and physically. As It took the whole night and a substantial part of the morning for him to accomplish her task. An extra text that morning was the one exception outside their now-standard two messages per day.

It read, "Wow, I can't believe you actually came thirteen times last night! You probably aren't even hungry for breakfast with your belly so full of cum. You forced me to change my plans for the day. I thought for sure you would fail that task. Way to make me proud, my little pet."

That text left Dan genuinely satisfied and filled with a warm fuzzy feeling. As much as he loathed most of her assignments, He had really begun to delight in knowing he had pleased her with the completion of the tasks. It seemed to fill up some inner void inside him. As rough as things got at times, there was no better sentiment to him than knowing he had pleased Miss Kendra. And hell, on some occasions, maybe he had even impressed her. It was like a drug, and he was becoming heavily dependent on it.

On the nights of denial, Dan wouldn't be allowed much rest either. As the videos playing on the ceiling would drive him mad with desire. He would lay in bed all night long with his swollen cock dripping precum, thrashing around at moments to resist the urge to disobey Kendra by giving into his need and just rubbing one out. Fearing the consequences of his cock monitor alerting her along with his newly developing need to please her, he seemed to always manage to resist temptation though.

Frequently during these restless nights when he did manage to doze off. Kendra would awaken him via his cock monitor. Using it to shoot intense vibrations through his cock. This buzzing sensation would cause his cock to stand up at full mast and started her vicious cycle of tease and denial all over again. Occasionally she would torment Dan in this way repeatedly throughout the night, not allowing him to get more than a wink or two of shuteye.

These sleepless nights always caused Dan to drag at work the next day. Which would often result in Dan catching a severe spanking or some other form of physical punishment from Miss Natasha, who had proven to be a demanding employer, to say the least.

This night was to be one of denial. She had sent Dan a text, "Absolutely no Cumming tonight. I have got big plans for you tomorrow. If you accidentally spill your load tonight, you will ruin them, and you won't be allowed to cum for a month. Got it slut?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Dan quickly replied

"Good, now turn on the projector and get to bed."

Dan did as he was told. It was only a few minutes of staring up at the video with a throbbing hard-on. Before his cock monitor began to vibrate, "Damn, that's early. What the fuck," Dan muttered to himself. The buzzing grew stronger, driving him mad as he rolled onto his stomach and drove his face deep into his pillow.

After about ten minutes of teasing, the vibrations stopped for a minute, and Dan drew in heavy breaths panting in his moment of relief. But it wasn't long before his cock monitor revealed a new trick Miss Kendra had up her sleeve. He felt a slight electrical shock and sting followed by an intense twitching sensation radiating from within his cock. Rolling onto his back, Dan stared down and investigated his member. The sharp surprise came again, followed by an audible buzzing sound, and he watched as his cock twitch and jerked. Then it happened again and again, sending shudders through his cock as it began to speed up into a rhythm. It wasn't a particularly painful feeling. In fact, it was quite pleasurable. Kendra was sending slight electrical shocks into his cock via his cock monitor, causing his muscles to constrict and then decompress. It was almost as if his cock was stroking its self.

Before long, he was moaning and rolling in his bed, filled with intense pleasure. This new sensation was quickly getting him to the edge of an orgasm. He thrashed, kicked his feet, and pounded his fist on the bed, desperately trying his hardest not to disappoint her. Then He rolled back onto his stomach and buried his face into the pillow. Before Biting down on it hard, knowing that at any second, he was about to break and spill his sticky load onto the sheets failing his mistress. It was at that moment the autonomous stroking of his cock ceased. It was instantly followed by an intense electrical shock that shot through his entire cock like a lightning bolt. It buzzed through his balls as well and left him with a sensation as if they had just been given a firm slap. Nausea ran through him.

Dan flailed on the bed in pain as that familiar ding rang out from his phone. A text from Miss Kendra read, "Did you really almost spill your load already?"

"Yes, almost, but you stopped just in time. Thank you, Ma'am. I'm sorry I couldn't last longer for you," He typed back.

"It's ok slut. To tell the truth, I got a lovely screenshot of you biting your pillow, and now I'm going to have to change my panties before bed; they're so wet. It would make an excellent background on my laptop, but it's a bit blurry. You really inspired me, my little pillow biter. I have devised a game we are going to play tonight. I'm going to be teasing you tonight via your cock monitor. You're not allowed to cum, though, and when you get right on the edge where you can't take a single second longer without spilling it. All you have to do is bite that pillow, and the stroking will stop. But you're also going to receive one of those painful electrical shocks as well. Every time you bite the pillow, I will ramp up the amperage to your cock monitor for the next time. So you better only bite when you really need it. You don't want to see how high this thing goes, trust me. Do you understand my little pillow biter?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Dan typed back with his hands trembling so terribly he almost dropped his phone before hitting send. Before Dan could consider what he had just agreed to, his phone lit up with another text from Kendra.

"Ok, for this first round, I want you to face the camera and get down on all fours in your bed. Knees and elbows on the mattress and really arch your back. Oh, and when you finally have to bite that pillow, make sure you look up at the camera when you do. I want to get a really nice photo of my little pillow biter."

Dan followed Kendra's instructions to the letter. He was able to hold out for quite some time as his cock monitor stroked away at him. But inevitably, he came to the edge where he could take no more, and he shoved his head back down into his pillow and bit it hard, showing his teeth and yanking back on it. His cock was quickly met with the expected consequence; another severe jolt, even more intense than the previous shock, ran through his member.

Dan convulsed and rivaled in pain but was also filled with relief in the fact, he had not spilled his load. That being so, he had not disappointed Miss Kendra. Quite the contrary, in fact, he found out as another loud ding rang out from his phone. A message from Miss Kendra read, "Now that's the money shot! That's my new background for sure!" Attached to the text was a still she snapped of him on all fours with his ass in the air, his perfectly arched back and his teeth showing as they tugged at his pillow.

This game continued most of the night. Kendra had brought him to edge seven times throughout the evening. Denying him each time with another harsh electrical shock to his cock. It wasn't until around three in the morning, after one last searing shock so intense it left Dan squealing with his face buried in the pillow and his eyes watering, that she finally allowed Dan to get some sleep. But not before she sent him a bit of encouragement in the form of a close-up picture of her soaking wet panties. Under the photo, a text read, "Wow, such a good slut you are! Look how wet you got me. I came three times playing with myself while I watched you squirm. I Bet those balls of yours are so full they're aching. Tell me, Are They so swollen with cum that they feel as if they may burst at the seams."

"Yes, Ma'am, I don't know how much more they can take," he responded back

"Good, then you're ready for tomorrow. Don't worry, as long as you're a good little slut we'll get to drain them soon enough but for now, get some sleep."

The sun peered into the room through a crack in the curtains; it splashed across Dan's face, waking him out of his coma-like sleep. Sitting up on the bed, he rubbed his eyes. Then that all too familiar loud ding rang out from his phone. The text from Kendra read, "Take a shower, pick out your panties for the day, and put on some decent clothes. Then you may relax. I have spoken with Natasha, and you are excused from work today. But you are to meet me at my office later. I have scheduled you for a one o'-clock appointment. Don't be late." Dan, as usual, obeyed, then spent the morning watching tv and contemplating what Kendra had in store for him at the office.

As he pulled into the parking lot, he took note of the sign out front that read Dr. Kendra's couple counseling, with the phrase get him under control written underneath in bold underlined font. Dan paused for a moment outside the door and shook out his limbs as if he was an Olympic athlete getting ready to tackle the next challenge on their path to the gold.

The receptionist behind the desk was a short Spanish woman with black hair and brown eyes behind her thick brimmed glasses. As Dan approached the desk, he realized he had recognized this woman. She was the woman he had met on his first day of work at Natasha's love shack. The one who had enquired if he belonged to Miss Kendra. Dan leaned on the counter, drinking in the view of her in her tight black skirt and low-cut tube top. "I think I have an appointment today at one," he mumbled out.

"You think," she questioned in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, I mean, I'm here for a one o clock appointment."


"Dan-" he began before she interrupted.

"Oh, you're the one. Sign this waiver form and take a seat."

"What does it waive?"

"Does that really matter to you at this point?"

"I guess not really."

"That's what I thought."

Dan scribbled his name on the waiver form before plopping a seat. He looked around the waiting room, taking notice of the other patients. The room was filled with almost all women, except for two men who were clearly here with their significant others. Hours began to waste away as Dan watched patient after patient be called back into the office before him. Even after the waiting room had emptied out and more patients began to arrive, they were attended to ahead of him.

Until finally, after more than four hours of twiddling his thumbs, when the reception area was completely vacant, the receptionist stood up and gathered her purse, car keys, and things. She strutted toward the exit and pushed open the door. About midway through the door, she paused and turned back toward Dan, telling him, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Miss Kendra will see you now." then pointed toward the entrance to Kendra's office. She then continued out the door and locked it behind her. A subtle smirk blossomed on her face as the deadbolt locked shut.

Dan let out a slight gulp swallowing hard as he heard the lock clasp shut. He then stood up and slowly strayed through the door, which the seductive receptionist had pointed to. Once inside, he was greeted by Miss Kendra seated in an exceptionally sophisticated grey suede lounge chair. Dan gawked at her as he was stunned by how jaw-dropping she appeared, even when dressed in such professional attire. She was wearing a tight leather skirt cut just above her knees. Dan admired the sheen from her silk pantyhose. Her top was a fantastically form-fitting dress shirt, unbuttoned, maybe just one button too far. Allowing her perfect cleavage to spill out and reveal the top seem of a zebra print bra peeking out from behind her top. The outfit was exceptionally professional as well as incredibly arousing.

"Take a seat, Dan," she instructed. And he complied by sitting in the lounge chair across from her. The room was frigidly cold; he folded his arms across his chest, squeezing tightly to retain some of his body heat. The room seemed chilly enough to be some type of industrial refrigerator, like the one at the lucky seven deli he had worked at the previous summer. This notion was reinforced by the sound of the weather-stripping chafing on the door, sealing it as it fell closed. "Now, Danny, I bet you are wondering the purpose of your appointment today," Kendra purred. Dan subtly bobbed his head yes.

"Well, the thing is, I need to do a little research on what it is that makes you tick. Basically, I am going to dive into your Psyche a little bit so we can find out what makes that little joystick between your legs grow and twitch.

"I find it much better to make an examination like this in a clinical setting.

"So today's session might be a little uncomfortable at first, but I think by the end of it, you will really be able to enjoy yourself.

"First things first, I need you completely nude, so strip."

Dan remained frozen in his chair. As Miss Kendra stood up and sauntered over to the closet in the corner of her office. She pulled out a long thick fur coat, telling him, "Come on, Danny, no reason to be shy now. Not after all we have already been through." As she slipped herself into the coat, Dan snapped out of his daze and began removing his clothes. "Underwear too?" he asked.

"Yes, lose the panties, and you may remove your cock monitor as well," she barked out.

Dan's cock grew into a throbbing erection as he couldn't help but gawk at Kendra's perfect legs as she strutted up to the back wall of the room and fiddled with what he could only discern to be some type of industrial-grade thermostat before returning to her chair.

"Remain standing and close your eyes," she instructed, and Dan obeyed.

"I need you to try and clear your mind for me. Try to empty everything out of it as best you can. we will take a few minutes in silence for you to completely void your mind of all thought."

Dan tried to do as he was told but couldn't help himself from wondering what was causing the low rumbling noise he was hearing. Then came a slightly louder buzzing sound which he became fixated on. Just as Dan was beginning to realize just how difficult it was to completely clear his mind, he felt it; A rush of frigid air began whooshing into the room. The temperature dropped rapidly, and he began to shiver as he stood naked and vulnerable in front of Kendra with his eyes closed and arms folded across his chest, desperately trying to keep warm.

"Ok, you may open your eyes now," Kendra purred.

As he did, his gaze became fixed on Miss Kendra in her long heavy fur coat, sitting with her legs crossed and boasting a subtle smirk. As if to show her satisfaction with Dan's obvious discomfort. Staring ahead into Kendra's eyes, Dan saw his breath condense in the air as he exhaled. His earlier notions of the room reminding him of a refrigerator seem to be mistaken. As he was now sure, he was standing naked in some sort of deep freezer.

"I'm sorry it's so cold in here. It has to be, though. The cold helps to restrain that little cock of yours from getting hard. I need to determine what it is that really excites you, and If it was warm in here, an eager little slut like you wouldn't be able to keep that thing down."

She looked down at his now shriveled and flaccid cock.

"Seems to be working so far. Now come closer."

Dan strutted up to her and stopped with his cock just inches from her face. Miss Kendra reached forward and secured a thin leather leash around his cock and balls with a slipknot. She gave the leash a firm tug, locking it with a snug grip around Dan's most sensitive parts. He let out a subtle cough as the knot constricted around him.

"Now you are not to speak as I make my examination. Your conscious thoughts of what you may believe you desire, only cloud what your subconscious truly craves. So, they will not be deemed relevant for my examination." Dan nodded, and she continued, "Well, let's get started. Turn around and get on your knees." She pointed to the ground directly in front of her and snapped her fingers. Dan instantly obeyed her command. Miss Kendra then leaned over, pulled opened the front of her coat, and unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her breasts cradled in a zebra print bra. She looked down over him, resting her breasts against the back of his neck. His cock began to swell; it wasn't fully erect, but it grew a bit chubby.

She ran her hand over his head, grabbing a fistful of hair, and forced his head between her breasts. Rocking her shoulders, she bounced her tits playfully against Dan's cheeks, chuckling as her tits slapped against his face. After a moment or two of amusement, she drew down her bra and exposed her nipples. Which were rock hard in the freezing air. She violently yanked Dan's head back and rested her breast on his face.

He eagerly began sucking on her nipple and lapping at her breast. Instant gratification washed over him. Her breast felt as if it were a scorching campfire in a frozen tundra. He couldn't seem to get enough of her warmth. While lapping away at her, his cock grew hard, and Kendra took notice. She tugged at Dan's leash, causing him to let out a grumbled moan before she forced his head forward, removing his lips from her breasts. And then she pulled up her bra and covered herself up again with her coat.

"Well, that stimulus seemed to provoke a response," she said, letting out a sharp chuckle. Then she continued, "Everyone loves tits, even women too doesn't matter if they deny it, and most won't even try to. It's always back there somewhere in their suppressed subconscious. If you think about it, though, it kind of makes sense, doesn't it? It's literally the earliest and most vital urge for survival every human being has ever experienced.r"












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