Garden Art Pt. 02

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Synopsis: Mark gets lucky and discovers the love of his life, in a Prince's Palace.

Read the previous chapter, first.

Kelly's new life

They spent their entire first week back, hidden away in his house. He had food delivered and made sure his green girl was out of sight when the driver came to the door. She had, after all, spent the entire time naked, as she had at the Palace. He had no complaints and she was quite comfortable being nude with her man.

They made love often and passionately. It was the best sex he'd ever had. She was fantastic! And it was the best sex she'd ever had, too, as for the last year her pleasure hadn't been a priority with her partners.

As much as he loved looking at her, and touching her, and sleeping with her, it did make him a little uncomfortable. He mentioned it while they ate a home-delivery pizza. She enjoyed that immensely as it hadn't been a common food around the Palace.

"What are we going to do about you and clothes? You can certainly go naked around here. I'm more than happy with that, but you don't have anything to wear when we start going out."

She chuckled and pretended to give the idea some deep thought. "Well, I can build a decent wardrobe with things ordered on-line, isn't that what everybody is doing these days?"

"Yes, we can do that. And I want to help with it." And he smiled at her lasciviously. "And then we'll be able to go out shopping for more and nicer things."

She nodded, and then giggled. "I bet you want to help. You want me to wear just enough, right? Sexy things that only just barely cover me." But she smiled good naturedly as she harassed him. She was used to being either fully naked, or fully covered. Now, here, she was really looking forward to dressing like a normal, American woman. A sexy one, if that's what he wanted.

"Lover I want you to be comfortable, either inside the house or outside, in public."

"As long as you're happy with the way I look." She said, and blew him a kiss.

He nodded, "but I'm afraid that's only part of the issue," he said. "How are you going to feel walking around the Valley, dressed like a California girl, but covered in your green tattoos and with your piercings?"

"Looking like a garden? You mean. Matching my name?"

"Well, yes."

That was a good question. She thought for a moment, and then shrugged. "Well, there's not much I can do. We already discussed the impossibility of removing the tattoos. I'll just have to pick a wardrobe that goes well with my skin color. And as for the piercings. We'll be removing the most obvious ones, and there are a lot of women with body jewelry, these days. Aren't there?"

He nodded, and impressed with her attitude, smiled at her. "You're one strong and crazy woman. And I love you."

She giggled again. "It's not easy being green."

He laughed, and she stepped up and hugged him. "Do you really love me?" she asked, quietly.

"Yes." He whispered back, as he leaned over and kissed her forehead, and cheeks and then her neck.

She shivered, and kissed him. "That's good, because I love you."

They spent the next several days shopping on-line, full time. Except when they were sleeping or enjoying sex. They even ate their meals, hunched over the keyboard, staring at the monitor.

They purchased everything a woman might need, especially one who was delighted by any clothes at all, and anxious to please her rescuer and lover.

Everything ordered was pretty, sexy and fashionable, and they both enjoyed the time together, crowding the desk, fooling around and picking out lingerie, and outerwear, and shoes and several wigs that would hopefully work for her.

They bought some make-up, although as much of hers was already tattooed on, she didn't require a lot.

As a steady flow of deliveries arrived, it was like Christmas every day.

Mark, finally had to dedicate time to preparing for the handover of his company, so they had to spend some time apart, with him back in his old office. His time home, though, was with Kelly, hanging out and watching her as she gave him fashion shows of the day's arrivals.

He did prefer thinking of her as Kelly, rather than Garden, with all of that name's connotations. So, he began calling her Kelly, and she started getting used to it. She could never be her old self, but she could leave that part of her past, behind.

As to the clothes, he loved everything he saw, and the way she looked wearing them. Of course, he was now used to her tattooed body. And the reduced amount of green painted skin that was on display still aroused him. He could only imagine what a sensation she'd be when she started leaving the house. Displaying her erotic body markings.

When the wigs showed up, they selected the one that best matched her hair color, and after extensive measurements and tests, he cut a hole in its crown just large enough to slip over her high pony tail, and its cuff.

And it worked! Her pony tail and its golden band stuck out through the hole perfectly. When she brushed it back and down it easily mixed in with the wig's long tresses, and it all looked like it belonged. Like she'd bundled a collection of her hair on top of her head and it was being held in place by a pretty hair clip, or some such.

And the wig also did a good job of hiding her elf ears. Although they did poke up and out, when her hair got out of place, even just a bit.

He thought they looked very cute and sexy that way. Like some of the Cosplayers, he'd seen pictures of. The sexy elves or nymphs. Except in her case, it wasn't just part of a costume.

"I do think your ears are cute." Mark admitted as she fussed with the wig, one evening. He took every opportunity to encourage her. He didn't want her to be too afraid or too embarrassed to go out with him in public. He imagined how people would react and was frightened it would be difficult for his sweet Kelly.

She just shrugged. The ears were the least of her worries.

It only took a couple of days to accumulate several complete outfits suitable for public viewing, and to celebrate, Mark made reservations for dinner at one of the nicer restaurants in swanky Los Gatos. The place was one of Mark's favorites, and he was well known there. He hoped the staff would be more accommodating to him and his unique girlfriend.

Kelly wore an LBD, low-cut and short-skirted along with stockings held up by a garter belt and tall heels. She wore pretty, black lace panties and bra set, underneath.

"You look gorgeous! I'm hoping the dinner goes fast so I can bring you back here and ravish you."

"Ravish me?" she said. "Men have done a lot of things to me, but I'd never call it, 'ravish'."

As she said it, though she realized how harsh she sounded. "Oh, Mark. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm really not angry with the men I've been with. And I'm certainly not upset with you. I love you. And I owe you my freedom from those other bores. Please forgive me."

He grabbed her and hugged her. "I understand, my love. I really do. Frankly, I'm not sure why you aren't more disgusted by the men you've encountered. Except me, of course."

And they both chuckled at that.

"Mark, I was playing a role for which I'd been decorated and trained. It didn't take me long to learn how to deal with them. I was smarter than most of them." And she laughed a bit self-consciously.

"I'm sure you were. I doubt if any of them had their PhDs."

"I don't have mine yet either. But I'm almost finished with my dissertation, and I'm sure it will be well received. I do intend to complete my Doctorate, on-line, you know."

"I know, and I'll help any way I can. What man doesn't want a beautiful and intelligent Doctor hanging around?"

She laughed and kissed him, and he kissed her back. And he almost changed his mind about going out. But alas they were both hungry, and they needed their sustenance, for later.

"All right. Let's go. I'm hungry and I want to hurry back."

And he led her out the door for her first big adventure in the good old USA.

But as soon as she sat down in his car, she groaned, and reached under her dress to adjust herself.

As Mark slid into his seat, he saw her struggling, but wasn't sure why. He sat watching, and waiting.

Suddenly Kelly, glanced over and blushed, embarrassed. "I'm not used to wearing panties. And they're pushing my jewelry, down there, and it's poking me and twisting me. The little bell in particular."


Still shifting and pulling, she finally snorted in frustration and reaching up under her skirt, slid her underwear off and tossed them into the back seat, muttering, "to hell with the things."

Mark, aroused, laughed. "They were pretty, and sexy, but I'm happy with that approach."

She gave him a sly smile.

"Is that going to become the norm? I hope. I hope." And this time his smile was lascivious and oily.

"We'll see," she replied as she punched him in the shoulder.


"Behave. Don't be a bore."

It was a short drive, and before long they were pulling up in front of the impressive eatery.

The valet went into mental vapor-lock as he stood holding the door open and Kelly stepped out of the car. Of course, her dress covered her beautiful body, but her tattoo-covered arms and legs, her collar and her facial jewelry were all on full display. And the erotic outlines of her nipple rings were also visible, as she moved to stand.

Several other customers stopped and stared, too. But Kelly, with only a little effort, ignored them, and when Mark came around, she walked hand-in-hand with him into the lobby.

There, the pretty hostess greeted Mark like a long-lost friend, until she caught site of Kelly, standing behind him. He almost laughed as her mouth stopped working and her eyes grew wide.

He remembered her name. "Jennifer, this is my girlfriend, Kelly. You have a reservation for us at a quiet table. Correct?"

Hearing her name, Jennifer snapped out of it, and embarrassed, mumbled "Hello, Kelly." Before turning back to Mark. "Yes sir, we have a table all set up for you. Please follow me."

Mark couldn't believe how the background noise inside the restaurant seemed to drop by half, as they paraded down the aisle between tables, following the Jennifer to their own.

Glancing around he saw stares, hearing mumbles of both admiration and disdain from the diners they passed. Although he had expected those reactions, and a couple of less civil others, it was still a bit embarrassing for him. His lover was special; they had no idea how much so.

Once they were seated at a cozy table for two, in a secluded corner, the conversation in the room seemed to pick up again.

Their server, Janet, was captivated by Kelly's exotic looks, she almost completely ignored Mark, and focused all of her attention on his date. He'd known Janet for years, as she had served him many a meal, and he'd always suspected that she was gay. But he became certain of that opinion as he watched her flirt and fawn over his lover.

When Janet finally walked away with their orders, Kelly smiled and winked at him. She'd felt it too, and apparently wasn't bothered in the least.

The people at the tables around them were clearly distracted, by the lovely and exotic woman in their presence, and whenever Mark happened to catch their eye, they either turned away furtively, embarrassed, or they nodded and winked in lusty approval. He even got that reaction from an elegant, older woman as she walked past on her way to the rest rooms.

Eventually they were allowed to settle down and enjoy their meal in relative privacy. The food and drink were as good as ever, and Kelly enjoyed it. She had been confined to Middle Eastern foods for years - high quality fare from the palace's chefs, but uninteresting after a while.

As Kelly finished her porkchop, she excused herself to go use the ladies' room.

As she worked her way between the tables, she felt everyone staring at her. She did her best to ignore the looks and the muttered comments that followed her like a breeze through the trees. It did make her uncomfortable.

Mark watched from his seat, and was mighty proud of the sight. He was conscious of the fuss his lover made, and aware that several of their fellow patrons were also glancing back to check him out, after Kelly had passed them by.

Inside the door, she ran into a couple of women who immediately stopped chatting as they examined themselves, and touched up their make-up in the mirrors over the sinks. They were obviously stunned and curious, but Kelly didn't detect any hostility.

She ducked into a stall and emptied her bladder. It was only as she was standing that she realized that she had forgotten the jingling of her bell. It was such a normal aspect of her life, and the sounds were usually pretty well masked by the background noises of places like restaurants, that it wasn't as embarrassing as it probably should have been. But in the relative quiet of the lady's restroom, she could imagine how the two women, who she was sure were still in there with her, were listening and wondering.

Oh well, she thought as she flushed, and straightened her dress. When she opened the stall's door, she saw that her assumption was correct. The two of them were still standing at the counter, now just pretending to touch up their looks. Their expressions and their furtive glances in the mirrors and over their shoulders, told the story.

Kelly just knew that they had been waiting to get another look at her, and probably trying to figure out where the jingling sounds were coming from.

For a moment, she thought about flashing them, so they could see her bell, hanging from her clit. It would be fun, and she pictured both of them shocked into fainting. But she brushed that antic aside, smiled sweetly, washed her hands and left the two of them still standing there, staring stupidly.

As she walked back to their table, she sensed everyone staring, again. She was also conscious for the first time in a long time, of the jingle of her bell, and the clinking of her pussy rings as they shifted between her legs.

The thought, got her aroused, and she felt herself getting wet.

Back at the table she pulled her chair close to Mark, and whispered the story of her trip into his ear. They both giggled and laughed as she described the expressions on the various people's faces, particularly the two women glued to the mirrors.

The rest of their evening was, for the most part enjoyable.

Mark did become angry when first one and then a second couple made obvious detours as they walked toward the exit, to get a better look at his lover. They stared like kids at the zoo, as they paraded past the table.

Kelly appeared to pay them no attention. She may be accepting of the gawkers, but he wasn't, so as they passed slowly by, he stared back at them, and one of them at least had the decency to look away, embarrassed.

Kelly, noticed his reactions and after the sightseers had left, she smiled, lovingly and held his hand. "Mark, I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to that. You'll be out with the most exotic woman they've ever seen; or make that the most erotic." And she paused to giggle, self-consciously.

He smiled at her, despite his anger. "That's one of the things I love about you. One of them."

"I know, right?" She laughed. "But you can't let it piss you off. Do what I do, think about their dull, dumpy and boring wives, and thank God you're not with one of them."

He laughed. "You mean that I'm not saddled with a boring lover like they are?"

"Yes, exactly." She took a quick sip of wine. "Or, like I sometimes do, you could always look at the guy's crotches, and see how badly they want to fuck you."

Mark, who had been caught with a sip of wine in his mouth, choked and as soon as he could, laughed hilariously. Loud enough that, once again everyone stared at the two of them. And Mark laughed even harder as he scanned the faces, and thought of the dumpy women and the lusty men, as Kelly had advised.

After that, the two of them just focused on each other and their deserts, and they eventually left the place drunk, over-fed and happy, and horny too.

Upon exiting the place, they faced one last session with the valets. Who fell all over each other to be able to hold Kelly's door for her.

As Mark pulled away, they began chuckling over the smitten guys' antics, and that kept up until they pulled into his garage. By then they were both crying, from laughing so much and for so long.

Inside they only had one thing on their minds, so they made a mad dash for the bedroom, shedding their clothes along the way.

When they jumped into bed, Mark pouted. "I wanted to strip you. I had it all planned out. A slow and sensuous stripping of my beautiful lover in her new clothes."

"Next time. Right now, kiss me you fool." She said as she crawled on top of him.

The sex was special, that night. Both of them understood that they'd crossed another milestone, together. Kelly was now back to being able to live as a normal American woman. Well, kind of normal...

Later that night, as Kelly lay quietly and Mark slept. She couldn't stop thinking about their evening out, and all of the stares, and glares she'd ignored while they were amongst the populace. Even though she hadn't shown it, she'd been hurt and made uncomfortable by it all. She should have expected it, she told herself. Even though the admirers and critics at that place were restrained enough to not say it out loud, she thought she knew what they were thinking and feeling. And it wasn't pretty.

And that was a cultured group. What would it be like when she was among a less sophisticated collection of 'normal' people? Would she be able to put up with their leering and abuse?

Was this what her life would be like for the years to come?

She finally did fall asleep, tired and without any answers.

The next day, Mark ordered a couple of jangly charm bracelets for Kelly to wear, if she wanted to, to mask the jingle of the bell between her legs.

And she felt a little better. After a shower and breakfast, she was able to convince herself to declare: screw 'em.

A couple of days later, Mark started a new game. "I love your decorations. All of them, in all places. It's time for me to learn more about them." He then took her by the hand and led her back to the bedroom.

She wasn't sure what he had in mind, but she was pleased by his professed love, and from his tone, she figured whatever he had planned would be fun.

He asked her to lay on the bed, naked as usual, as he moved down to squat on the mattress at her feet.

He explained that he intended to closely examine every inch of her remarkable and beautiful markings studying them, describing them and cataloguing them, at least in his mind.

"Every inch?" she asked, giggling. "It will take hours."

"Days, I think." He mumbled.

He then started at the tips of her toes, and slowly, inch-by-inch, he studied the vines and leaves, flowers and wildlife depicted on his lover's body. He bent down so his eyes were only inches away from her skin, mumbling, "I wish I had a magnifying glass." Of course, his study included caressing, and kissing and licking each square inch, too.

And she, squirmed and giggled and sighed and panted, aroused and entertained by her lover's antics.

As he worked his way slowly and comprehensively up her body, the hours ticked by. Periodically, he would maneuver her onto her side or back so he could ensure that he had examined her from all angles and on every surface.r"


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